The Fear Mythos Wiki
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The Smiling Man
The Smiling Man, as drawn by Cadet

Fear of...

Stalkers, serial killers, "stranger danger"


The Flower Fields


Rose Brides

First Appearance

The Jeanette Experience

The first portrayal of the Fear of Strangers, the Smiling Man is a dangerous humanoid that wants to hurt people.

In most stories, it has straggly red hair and a smile wider than its face. While it has eyes, they are so wrong that victims cannot look at them. Photographs or videos will only show black spots where the eyes should be. It is commonly portrayed wearing a suit or a torn straight jacket.

It is often written walking or dance-walking down nearly empty streets. It has been known to follow victims in a dancelike run, pursuing them for miles. Some stories suggest it may attempt to break into any shelter its victims might hide themselves in. Before it takes its victims, it often delivers a bouquet of flowers to them. These bouquets are often arranged in the language of flowers, presenting coded messages.

In The Jeanette Experience and its related blogs, it has a fondness for burning, gouging out, and otherwise damaging people's eyes. It is also indicated in the same blog series that it is unkillable, as demonstrated by his perpetual appearance in spite of being repeatedly shot apart by Jeanette.

In Mephi, it has the ability to create petals from thin air that create cuts and gashes when they touch skin.

Recent blogs have featured female servants of The Smiling Man called Rose Brides.

The Smiling Man's domain is Flower Fields.
